COVID19 — Guidance From Spirit

Hannah Velten
2 min readApr 22, 2020

A few days ago, I was restless and tetchy… a sure sign that there was a message for me to ‘download’ from Spirit. I’d been juggling home schooling, lockdown and technology issues and hadn’t made time to sit quietly and meditate, but, when I was forced to, four pages worth of messages were passed on by a group of ‘souls and spirit guides’.

If you’re reading these words, your guides / loved ones were part of the collective.

Living through these difficult times

So, the first two pages are about living through these difficult times and the importance of trying not to fight against what’s happening in your life and surrendering, if you can.

By surrendering you will find guidance and comfort.

Handling grief in these times

The next page was in answer to a question about handling grief when the ‘grief rule book’ is being torn up… as usual, your loved ones are trying to comfort you.

Using these times wisely

Finally, there was advice for using these times of self-isolation and COVID19 lockdown for self-reflection and empowerment, with the focus on helping others and seeing what’s missing…

These are strange times, but life’s what you make it…

Stay safe and well. And if you are dealing with grief and loss, you’re very welcome to come into our online community, RAISE (the link takes you to our landing page, so you can see if it feels a safe and inviting space for you…

Oh, and you’ll also get a massive nudge from Spirit if you ask,

“Is RAISE the place for me?”




Hannah Velten

Spirit / Rescue Medium. Releasing stuck spirits, with my brother-in-spirit, Christian, at